You may be aware you are putting your safety at risk every time you get behind the wheel, but did you know more than half of vehicle accident fatalities occur within 25 miles of home? This means many accidents occur in familiar territory. Once you are aware of the most dangerous locations in which you may be driving, it will help you keep inexpensive auto insurance in Dallas.
Your Comfort Zone
Most people who have to file a claim on their collision auto insurance policy do so due to an accident along routes they commonly take. It may seem like driving through familiar territory would keep you safer on the road because you can pay attention without trying to figure out where you’re going. However, this familiarity can hurt your driving habits instead. You can become so comfortable in this area that you pay less attention and are more likely to participate in reckless behavior that can lead to accidents. You are also at a higher risk of getting involved in a more serious accident.
It’s Not Always Where You Drive
Location can be a major factor in your risk of getting involved in an accident, but it isn’t the only one. There are other factors that can play a role. Driving during peak traffic times, such as the hours before the typical work day or the late afternoon and early evening, can be dangerous as well. In addition, driving too late at night after you are tired or when there may be more drunk drivers on the road can further put you at risk. When combined with familiar areas, you are at an even greater risk. While you shouldn’t stop driving, it’s important to keep this in mind to make sure you are safe on the road.
Certain States Have Higher Accident Rates
The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) keeps close track of accident statistics to gain a better understanding of who is at a higher risk. Insurance companies often use these numbers to determine liability auto insurance rates. The size of the state and its population density can play a role in these numbers, however. For instance, according to the NHTSA, Texas led the country in traffic deaths in 2012 with more than 3,000 fatal accidents. This number is nearly 500 more than California, the second highest state. Many people think they are relatively safe driving near their homes. They make sure they have collision auto insurance and liability insurance in case they need it, but they are often lulled into a false sense of security, leading to an increased risk of getting involved in an accident. Once you realize how dangerous it can be to drive through familiar territory, especially at busy times or while tired, you can make adjustments to your driving habits to reduce your risk of an accident so you can maintain your inexpensive auto insurance in Dallas. If you’re looking for the best auto insurance rates, contact us. ABCO Home Plus Insurance Agency in Dallas, TX, can help you find the lowest rates for the coverage you need.