When you operate your own business, it’s important to protect yourself and your company with the proper insurance coverage. for a small business Your insurance agent will help you determine which types of insurance you require and how much coverage meets your needs. While you hope to never have to use it, knowing how...
read moreWhat You Need to Know About Insuring a Home-Based Business
Technology has made it increasingly easier for people to work remotely from their own homes, providing greater flexibility, and many other benefits. However, for those who choose to operate their own small business, purchasing home-based business insurance may not be at the top of their priority list. You may not even realize you need...
read moreInsurance Coverage Every Small Business Should Have
Do you have the right insurance coverage for small business? If you’re ready to embark on the path to your dream of owning your own business, you need to make sure your investment is fully protected, especially financially. It’s likely you are either investing a lot of your own money or borrowing it to...
read moreThe Most Dangerous Locations to Drive Your Vehicle Might Surprise You
You may be aware you are putting your safety at risk every time you get behind the wheel, but did you know more than half of vehicle accident fatalities occur within 25 miles of home? This means many accidents occur in familiar territory. Once you are aware of the most dangerous locations in which...
read moreHow to Choose the Best Renter’s Insurance
Most everyone is familiar with homeowners insurance, but did you know there is insurance for apartment renters? Many are unaware these plans are available. If you rent your living space, renter’s insurance is a “must have.” This coverage can provide an inexpensive way to protect your possessions in the event of fire damage, theft, or...
read moreWhich Personal Injuries Does Your Home Insurance Cover?
When accidents occur on your property, it’s important to have adequate coverage for any personal injuries sustained. If an injury should happen, your home insurance policy may cover the injured person’s medical bills, income lost, or damages sustained, as well as assist with your defense if you are sued for damages. Here are some...
read moreHow Bundling Insurance Saves Money
Most individuals need insurance policies for multiple purposes, primarily their home and vehicle. When you work with an insurance company in Dallas, TX, to handle your insurance needs, you may find you can save more money by bundling your policies together. While this has been practiced for many years, it has more recently gained attention through...
read moreThe Truth about Insurance: Debunking 7 Popular Myths
There are many myths regarding insurance. When you’re working with an insurance agent in Dallas to shop for a policy, whether it’s health, auto, or home owners insurance coverage, it’s best to make sure any misunderstandings are cleared up. That way you can be sure you’re getting exactly what you need. Take a look at some...
read moreWhat Every New Employer Should Know about Workers Compensation
As a new employer, preparing your business for handling workers’ compensation insurance can be intimidating, but careful planning can prevent costly issues in the future. Be Prepared You’ll need to acquaint yourself with the way workers’ compensation is regulated in your location since the rules and guidelines differ from state to state. Whether coverage is necessary may...
read moreImportant Steps to Take If You Discover Your House Was Burglarized
You expect your home to be a safe haven so coming home to find your house was burglarized can be devastating. Here are some important steps you need to take if this should ever happen to you. Immediate Actions Exit the house immediately and call the police. If you come home and suspect your...
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