When Should You Review Your Insurance Coverage

Without proper insurance coverage, you could become financially liable for damages or create a financial burden for those around you. However, buying an insurance policy is not the final step in the process. Periodically, it is important to evaluate your coverages to ensure you have the appropriate amount, whether you have homeowner’s insurance coverage, automobile...

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Reasons Some Cars Cost More to Insure

Most people know that some cars are more expensive to insure than others. While some individuals are not certain of the specifics of these price differences, there are some basics to help explain the premium variances. Auto insurance companies look at a large number of factors, including the make, model, and year of the car, to...

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What to Do When Making an Insurance Claim

Most individuals do what they can to avoid filing an insurance claim, whether it is against their homeowner’s insurance, auto insurance, or renter’s insurance. However, accidents do happen and you may find yourself in a situation where you need to file a claim against your policy. When this happens, it is important to know the proper...

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Insurance Claims and How to Prevent Them

You purchase your homeowner’s insurance policy as a way to protect yourself from insolvency should something bad happen. No one likes to make a claim against their insurance policy. It requires a large amount of paperwork and time for both the policy holder and the insurance company. Therefore, it is always a good idea to be...

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