When you operate your own business, it’s important to protect yourself and your company with the proper insurance coverage. for a small business Your insurance agent will help you determine which types of insurance you require and how much coverage meets your needs. While you hope to never have to use it, knowing how to make a small business insurance claim is important if you ever need it.
File a Police Report
Filing a police report is necessary in instances of theft, vandalism and other criminal activity. However, this isn’t necessary for cases of injury or other similar issues that may require a claim against your small business liability insurance. Be sure to write down the police report number to provide to your insurance company.
Contact Your Insurance Company
Always contact your insurance company immediately after the incident so they can begin the claims process. A failure to report immediately can cause a number of issues, including making any damage or the potential for injuries worse. Your insurance company should move quickly to begin working on your claim.
Don’t Disrupt Evidence
If there is evidence of the incident, make sure you don’t disturb the scene. Small business insurance companies are likely to send someone out to assess any damage and to take pictures of the scene. You want to leave things relatively untouched until they can gather the evidence they need to proceed with your claim.
Familiarize Yourself with Your Coverage
It’s important to always be aware of what insurance coverage for small businesses you have, but now is a good time to review that policy. This will give you a better understanding of what you can expect your insurance provider to pay for and what will be your responsibility. If you have any questions, now is the time to ask.
Get Quotes
Once the scene is clear and you can begin cleanup and repairs, contact several companies to get estimates on their services. Talk to your insurance agent about how they handle these quotes. Some insurance companies may require you to use certain providers, while others will pay the lowest estimate out of a specified number.
Work with Your Adjuster
The claims adjuster is there to help you through the process to ensure your claim is completed thoroughly and quickly. Keep in close contact with this individual so you can stay on top of documentation you must submit. The closer you work with your adjuster, the faster your claim can be paid. Filing a claim on your small business insurance isn’t something most business owners want to handle. However, when something happens, you will be glad you have the right small business liability insurance in place. The claims process doesn’t have to be overwhelming as long as you are aware of the proper steps. If you are looking for an insurance company to handle your small business insurance, contact us. ABCO Home Plus Insurance will ensure you have the right insurance coverage for your small business.