Gas Price Hikes Mean More Motorcycles on the Road. Are You Properly Covered?

dallas motorcycle insurance

This summer, gas prices are higher on average throughout the country. This has had a negative impact on the amount of driving people are willing to do, especially beyond anything required for work or errands. However, many riders are putting their cars, trucks, and SUVs aside in favor of driving a motorcycle whenever possible to save money on gas. Just like your auto insurance policy, you need to make sure you have the right motorcycle insurance.

Injury Coverage

While riding a motorcycle, you are at an increased risk of injury due to the lack of protection. Most riders understand the importance of wearing a helmet, as well as long pants and long sleeves, but they are still riding unprotected. If you are hit or lose your balance, you are likely to experience some injuries, whether they are bruises, broken bones, or worse. Your motorcycle insurance should cover those injuries. However, when someone else is found at fault, their auto insurance may pick up your medical bills.

Repair Coverage

In addition to any medical bills associated with your accident, you will likely need repairs to your motorcycle. These bikes can become damaged during an accident more easily than cars. Many of their important components are exposed, increasing the chances of needing more serious repairs. You need to make sure you have the right amount of coverage to pay for the repairs so you can get back on your bike and continue to save money on gas.

Bike Customization Coverage

Many motorcycle enthusiasts change the look and power of their motorcycle with customizations. These changes can make the bike worth more, as well as more expensive to restore to its previous condition. If you have added anything to your motorcycle or upgraded any components, talk to your insurance agent right away. These alterations must be scheduled and can have an impact on your premiums. Don’t wait until after you have an accident to evaluate whether the coverage you have is enough for the changes you have made. Motorcycle insurance is just as important as having the right auto insurance. As you consider the coverage you need, make sure you take into consideration injury, liability, and repair payments necessary due to the higher risks in a motorcycle accident. However, you must also consider any bike customizations you make. Driving your motorcycle to and from work, as well as anywhere else, to help you reduce the amount of money you spend on gas can help you save money. Without the right coverage, though, you could be facing even greater expenses if you are involved in an accident, even if it isn’t your fault. If you need to evaluate your motorcycle insurance, contact us. Our experienced Dallas, TX, insurance agents are ready to help you determine if you already have the right amount of coverage or if adjustments must be made.