You purchase your homeowner’s insurance policy as a way to protect yourself from insolvency should something bad happen. No one likes to make a claim against their insurance policy. It requires a large amount of paperwork and time for both the policy holder and the insurance company. Therefore, it is always a good idea to be proactive and know how to prevent claims whenever possible. Following these simple guidelines can increase your eligibility for more affordable home insurance.
Keep Your Home Secured
One of the most common types of claims homeowner’s make is theft. If something is stolen from the home, your homeowner’s insurance company may pay to replace the item, but it will depend on the type of policy you have. Preventing this type of claim is not foolproof, but you can reduce the risks by making sure you securely lock your doors and windows at all times. Installing a home security system acts as a deterrent and decreases the risk of theft. You can also install motion-detector lights outside and keep bushes trimmed back so your neighbors have a clear view of the home should an intruder attempt to break in.
Prepare for Harsh Weather
When you live in an area that is susceptible to harsh weather conditions, preparing your home for emergencies can decrease your risk of damage requiring a claim. Your homeowner insurance coverage may cover damages from a storm, but there is a possibility your premiums could increase. To prevent weather damages, it is best to unplug major electronics in preparation for a lightning storm to prevent surges and wrap water pipes in insulation when freezing temperatures are expected.
Consider Child Risks
Children are more likely to be injured in or around your home than adults. Therefore, you need to look at things in your household from a child’s perspective to ensure safety. For instance, if you have a pool, make sure you install the right type of fence and keep the gate secured at all times, even when you are using the pool. Keeping your dog on a leash and supervised around children can reduce the risks of dog bite claims. When you emphasize child safety around your home, especially in regard to visiting children, you can protect yourself from having to make a claim against your homeowner’s insurance policy. Everyone needs affordable home insurance. If you want to keep your homeowner’s insurance more cost-effective, reducing your risks for property damage or injury to a child or friend can help you manage your insurance premiums. Your homeowner insurance coverage is designed to protect you financially, but careless behavior could mean higher premiums. Following these tips will help you protect your home, family, and friends from damage or injury that could require you to file a claim with your insurance policy. If you are looking for the most affordable home insurance, contact us. We can help you create a policy that will give you the coverage you need in case the worst should happen.