How Do I Know If My Elderly Parent Should Drive?

As you age, it is normal for your body to go through a number of changes. In addition to changes in appearance, your reaction times get slower and your vision can deteriorate. These issues can cause major problems when it comes to driving and can increase comprehensive auto insurance costs. Unfortunately, many seniors don’t want to give up the independence of driving themselves. This places the difficult task on your shoulders of talking to your parents about putting down the keys.

Check Medications

Some medications come with warnings not to drive while using it. For this reason, it is important to check your parents’ prescriptions for these warnings. If your aging parent doesn’t want to give up driving, it may be worth it to ask the doctor if an alternative medication is available. When an alternative option is not available, talk to your parents about the importance of driving safely and try to convince them to allow you to drive them around.

Hearing and Vision Impairment

Hearing and vision can deteriorate naturally as you age. Paying attention to your aging parents and noting any changes in hearing or vision can be a red flag to convince them to stop driving. While prescription glasses can resolve vision impairments in many cases, even with glasses some seniors can’t see well enough to drive. Hearing is also important to driving. If your parent can no longer hear you clearly during regular discussions, it may be time to talk about putting down the keys.

Forgetfulness and Habit Changes

Driving requires concentration and a dedication to following the rules of the road. Watch your elderly parents and monitor for changes in their habits or signs of forgetfulness. For instance, if your parent was previously well organized but the house is becoming cluttered, driving may not be the best option. Some seniors may lose weight as they forget to eat or don’t prepare proper meals or may allow their personal hygiene to slip. While these tasks may have little to do with the ability to drive, it can be an indication that driving is now an unsafe activity.

Mobility Restrictions

It isn’t uncommon for aging individuals to suffer from mobility issues. Stiff joints may make it difficult to move around or flexibility may decrease. In these situations, an auto insurance agency may see the individual as a risk behind the wheel. If the insurance company views your parent as a risk, chances are you need to convince them to give up the keys and allow you to handle the transportation. Caring for aging parents is a major commitment. This includes monitoring their lifestyle to determine if it is safe for them to continue driving. Working with your auto insurance company and watching for warning signs can help you make the decision to take the keys away from your elderly parent. If you need to talk to an auto insurance agent about auto insurance for an elderly parent, contact us at Steven Graves Insurance. We are here to help you make the right decisions.