Most states require drivers to have automobile insurance to protect everyone on the road, including themselves. However, the specific requirements can vary widely by state. While your auto insurance may easily transfer if you decide to relocate to a different state, it is important to talk to an experienced insurance agent to find out whether you must make changes to your existing policy. A new automobile insurance quote can often provide this information.
Check State Laws
Each state has the option of implementing its own requirements for automobile insurance. When you purchase your policy in your current state, it must meet or exceed those guidelines. If you relocate to a new state, your insurance policy could meet the requirements for your new location, but it is never safe to assume that it will. Search for laws in the state to which you are moving so you can determine if any changes must be made to your current policy to be sure it meets the minimum standards.
Contact Your Insurance Agent
As soon as you know the location of your move, contact your insurance agent to obtain an automobile insurance quote for your new state. This quote will look at the current requirements where you will relocate to determine the cost of your premiums. Your insurance agent will calculate the new costs so you can find out if you will be paying more, less or the same. Even if no changes are necessary, the cost can fluctuate depending on the cost of living.
Remember Any Financing Terms
If you still have a loan on your vehicle or you are leasing, you may need additional insurance beyond what the state requires to meet the conditions of your loan- or lease-holder. Make sure your insurance agent is aware of these requirements to give you an accurate automobile insurance quote. Failure to alert your agent to any new conditions by your financial institution can result in improper coverage. Even if you have already factored in this additional coverage on your current insurance, your agent may no longer be aware of your needs. Check your quote over carefully and compare it to your financial paperwork. Alert your insurance agent as soon as possible about anything that may have been overlooked. When you are moving between states, you need to make sure your automobile insurance is sufficient to meet the requirements of your new home. Every state may have similar standards for minimum insurance coverage, but each one may add additional requirements. Before you move to your new location, talk to your insurance agent about your move and ask for a new automobile insurance quote so you can determine what changes are needed. If you are moving from one state to another, contact us at Steven Graves Insurance. Our experienced agents will work with you to make sure you have the proper coverage in your new location.