You can get inexpensive auto insurance when you know the facts. Buying a car can be an exciting undertaking, but it’s also a major purchase that will need to be insured. Many factors go into the cost of your automobile insurance so to help shed a little light on what otherwise might be a confusing subject,...
read moreHow to Save Money Insuring Your Teen Driver
Choosing an insurance policy for your teen may seem a little scary at first. Not only has your teen reached a huge milestone in his or her life by reaching the legal driving age, but you’re also faced with considerably high additional automobile insurance rates. Fortunately, both parents and teens can find ways to save on their...
read moreFour Reasons Your Auto Insurance Rate May Have Increased
Does it seem like your car insurance goes up for no reason? There are many aspects to determining rates for insurance in Dallas, and small changes can have a big effect on your premium. Insurance companies can and do recalculate your rate every renewal and sometimes an increase has nothing to do with your actions. Understanding the...
read moreMy Friend Borrowed My Car and Had an Accident … Now What?
Have you ever done someone a favor and ended up paying for it? One common example of this is letting a friend borrow your car, then learning he or she got into an accident while driving it. Perhaps your friend comes clean right away or maybe you learn about the wreck from a third...
read moreWhat You Need to Know about Out-Of-State Car Insurance
Most states require drivers to have automobile insurance to protect everyone on the road, including themselves. However, the specific requirements can vary widely by state. While your auto insurance may easily transfer if you decide to relocate to a different state, it is important to talk to an experienced insurance agent to find out whether you...
read moreReasons Some Cars Cost More to Insure
Most people know that some cars are more expensive to insure than others. While some individuals are not certain of the specifics of these price differences, there are some basics to help explain the premium variances. Auto insurance companies look at a large number of factors, including the make, model, and year of the car, to...
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