When you select insurance for your home, you want to feel you’ve done everything you can to provide the right amount of coverage. While the best insurance companies for homeowners will be willing to work with you to make this process as simple as possible, here are some common mistakes you should avoid. Insufficient Liability Insurance...
read moreWhat Are the Advantages of Having an Inventory List of My Personal Property?
Though it is unpleasant to think about, there are many disasters that could happen to your home. No home is 100 percent safe from theft, fires, floods, tornadoes, and hurricanes. In the event of a natural or man-made disaster that ravaged your home, could you list all of your belongings off the top of...
read moreFirst Time Home Buyers Should Follow These Insurance Guidelines
Your home is probably the biggest investment you’ll ever make. Before you even move in, make sure to protect it with a comprehensive home owner insurance policy. If you’ve bought and sold multiple homes over the years, you’ve probably learned a thing or two about home insurance. If you are a first-time buyer, you may feel...
read moreWhat Type of Insurance Coverage Do I Need for Investment Properties?
Before you purchase or consider purchasing an investment property, it’s important to investigate all of your insurance coverage options. It’s first essential to understand the difference between typical home owners insurance coverage and insurance for investment property. A home owner insurance policy is specifically created for the owner-occupied resident. This kind of policy ensures protection for the home,...
read moreComparing Market Value with Cost to Rebuild
Buying a home owner insurance policy can be an intimidating experience, especially if you have never done it before. There are many aspects of home owner’s insurance coverage you need to consider, as well as the overall cost of the policy. As you look over your options, it is critical to make sure you understand how...
read moreA Contrast in Coverage: Water Damage versus Flood
Water damage can be one of the most detrimental types of damage that can occur to your home. When you purchase your home owner insurance policy it is important to understand that all water damage is not the same. Unfortunately, the cause of the damage will dictate whether your home owner’s insurance will cover the costs...
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