When you first buy a car, you typically need more coverage than when your car is older and therefore not worth as much. Eventually, you will be able to drop your collision and comprehensive insurance altogether, while keeping your liability automobile insurance in place. This is one of the best ways to get the cheapest auto...
read moreMy Friend Borrowed My Car and Had an Accident … Now What?
Have you ever done someone a favor and ended up paying for it? One common example of this is letting a friend borrow your car, then learning he or she got into an accident while driving it. Perhaps your friend comes clean right away or maybe you learn about the wreck from a third...
read moreReasons Some Cars Cost More to Insure
Most people know that some cars are more expensive to insure than others. While some individuals are not certain of the specifics of these price differences, there are some basics to help explain the premium variances. Auto insurance companies look at a large number of factors, including the make, model, and year of the car, to...
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