No one likes to pay more than they have to, especially when it comes to auto insurance. Being covered in case of an accident is crucial, but it doesn’t mean you should have to pay an arm and a leg to be protected. With a few simple steps, you can save money on your auto insurance, without the hassle.
Shop Around for the Best Quote
With most big purchases, it’s often a good practice to shop around for the best price before buying. The same is true with car insurance. Comparing auto insurance quotes will help you sift through your options so you can narrow them down to the most affordable auto insurance companies. When making your final decision, consider the company’s customer service, discounts offered, reputation and of course, price.
Take Advantage of Discounts
Many insurance companies offer a variety of discounts, though they aren’t always advertised. Some common discounts include reductions for:
- Good grades (for high school and college students)
- Military members
- Good driving records
- Those who drive vehicles with certain safety features
- Taking a defensive-driving class
Remember, you’ll probably need to inquire about any discounts you may be eligible for rather than your insurance company offering them to you upfront. A good time to ask about this detail is when comparing auto insurance quotes. Though taking the steps to capitalize on discounts may require a little extra effort, it will be well worth it in the long run.
Opt for a Higher Deductible
Your deductible is what you would pay in the event of an accident before your insurance will step in to cover the rest. For example, if a repair to your bumper caused by a fender bender costs you $400 and your deductible is $100, your insurance will cover $300 of the total amount. With that in mind, it can be beneficial to look into increasing your deductible as a way to save money on your auto insurance. This could help lower your premium by five to 10 percent, decreasing your overall monthly payment. Of course, it’s important to note a higher deductible means you would have to pay more upfront if you ever need to file a claim.
Combine Policies
Most affordable auto insurance companies offer packages or bundles for those who have multiple policies. Combining your auto insurance with your renter’s or homeowner’s coverage is one of the easiest ways to save money. Though it may seem like a good idea to go with the deal your current insurance provider offers every year, it’s best to shop around and compare rates annually to make sure you are still getting the best price. By following these simple tips, you could find yourself paying less for your auto insurance than you ever thought possible. Car insurance is an important part of being a responsible driver so finding a policy that works best for you will ensure you and others stay safe, and covered when on the road. If you are looking for affordable auto insurance companies, contact us. Our insurance agents in Dallas can help you shop around for the best policy.